ECO Friendly and Cost Effective Diapering:
Switch to Cloth Diapers Today with Love, Joy & Clean!
What we do!
We Wash, Clean, Dry and Sanitize cloth diapers. We pick up dirty cloth diapers and re-deliver them
clean and sanitized back to our customers/clients. We use a premium biodegradable soap, plant-derived detergent that has been DFE-certified by the EPA, package them in reusable cloth bags and deliver in energy efficient routes. Our wash process uses minimal chemistry at extremely high temperatures in commercial washer and dryer.
All in all, our diapers are fully cleaned, sanitized, pH-balanced, and dried so that no soap or residue remains that could irritate your baby's skin.
INTRODUCING! Our very own custom designs!

Watch and learn more about Cloth Diapers!

Everyone knows "going green" is all the rage right now. But if you sit down and do the research, you will find behaving in an environmentally responsible way is in your child, your grandchild, and your great grandchild's best interest. If you decide to cloth diaper your baby, you will prevent one half-ton of untreated waste PER YEAR from entering our landfills. Conventional disposable diapers are made out of plastic. Plastic does not break down. A plastic disposable diaper will sit in a landfill for the next 250-500 years - we hope. To be honest, no one knows how long it will take a disposable diaper to break down because the very first one has yet to do so. Cloth diapers can be washed and reused as many as 200 times before being retired for use as cleaning rags and will never end up in a landfill.
Save Our Planet!
About Us.
A little about myself and why I’m so passionate about cloth diapers are I have 2 girls Everly and Brentley ages 4 and 1. Brett is my wonderful supporting husband and we have clothed diapered both girls since birth. I did use a service company for both until about 6 months after Brentley was born, they left Charlotte and left our family with no other options to either use landfill toxic disposable diapers or washing our very own cloth diapers. I definitely didn’t want to add more waste to my community. I bought used second hand diapers and I did some research and I said ok Lord give me strength I got this I can and I will! . Why do we love disposable diapers? Why do we gravitate towards them? Convenience and cost, disposable diapers were all I see with my friends with their babies, they were all I would see at the stores. Well I thought to myself gosh I miss my cloth diaper service (convenient) I bet other families do too! So I got the courage to start Love Joy & Clean Diaper Service.

Better for Baby - Convenient Cloth Diapering - Eco-Friendly Parenting - Cloth Diapering in Charlotte NC - Eco-friendly and cost effective Diapering